Most Common Copywriting Error You Should NEVER Use

When copywriting, word choice can make a world of difference to your audience’s reaction…

That’s right—you might accidentally harm your brand’s credibility by using an everyday word… And this is a super common copywriting error you might not even notice you’re making. But it’s not all bad news… If you catch this word now, you can TRANSFORM your brand’s copy—QUICK like wildfire!

It’s a well-known fact in the copywriting world that these everyday words (if overused) can leave your sales low and your traffic minimal. Quiet traffic is a good thing in real life—but not when it’s online!

So, what are these pesky words that may be selling you short?

Scroll down to discover them!

A Copywriter Would NEVER Use These Words…

Spending hours pruning your copywriting is a must, but your efforts are pointless if you talk too much about yourself… Have you ever been conversing with a friend who only talks about their life? Uh-huh, you’re left zoning out or wanting to put your headphones—right?

Ask yourself: “is my brand addressing my customer’s needs?” OR “Is my website talking a bit too much about me?” *eeek!*

You want your copy to SING about the benefits you offer. Of course, it’s important to tell a little about you. But the main focus should be what you can do for THEM! This is a common copywriting error for new business owners, and it can seriously dampen conversion rates—no joke.

In this mini guide, I’ll show you the most common copywriting error and how you can fix it. As a specialist Copywriter for women in business, I see this blunder far too often, and I think it’s time we stop it! After all, I’m all about empowering the women in my circle to level up when it comes to making client conversions through wise words on paper.

Scroll down to uncover just which words to cut and which words to replace them with instead…

How To Nail Copywriting in Business Sans Pesky Mistakes

If your copy reads more like a diary, professional creative copywriting can give your words a zhush-up!

So, let’s look deeper at the word ‘I’ and see what it means!

You’re probably thinking, ‘Huh, ‘I’ is a normal word. How can this change my copywriting?’

Using ‘I’ to develop and reveal your brand story can be super helpful. However, step back and STOP if ‘I’ is taking over your homepage, blogs and social captions!

Here’s the quick fix: Start focusing on ‘you’ instead! Yup, it’s that easy. Pivoting your copy to your audience is a sure way to fix this typical copy slip-up.

When you begin driving your copy with ‘you’, your readers will feel seen, heard, AND acknowledged. Once you develop a genuine relationship through your copy, your audience will TRUST your biz and offerings. Remember, you’re attracting real people, not just numbers!

Professional copywriting involves psychological components that drive customers to read, nod, and head straight to the cart — *cha-ching!*

Words have more effect than you think, so choose them wisely. Or collaborate with a creative copywriter, like me, to secure on-the-money copy that makes your readers say, ‘Heck, yes!’

Ready to step your copy up and RECLAIM your audience NOW?

Keep reading to discover HOW!

No Time To Type? Choose A Quality Copywriter

Could a creative copywriter be right for you?

As a business owner, it’s hard to create project plans, develop your services, monitor your finances, AND cover your brand’s marketing needs. Let’s face it—there’s a reason specialists are hired for these roles.

If you’ve realised that your copy is peppered with ‘I’ and not enough ‘You’, it’s a sign that some changes need to be made. Short of time? I’m here to help.

As a professional copywriter, my focus is taking your already-amazing biz’ and boosting it with polished copy that actually converts. Making heads turn with wonderful words (sans the faux-pas) is the aim every time.

Grab a FREE QUOTE on my creative copywriting services today. All you need to do is give me a brief description of your needs on my contact page! Get the ball rolling here!

Need to know more? The proof is in the pudding. Explore my yummy portfolio here.